The Perpetual Student

I can’t seem to stop learning. Just in the last three months, I’ve signed up for three classes. Have I finished any of them yet?

That’s not the point! Lol…I know I will, and I’m loving the ones I’m currently working on. My interests may seem varied and all over the place which is something I used to be super self conscious about. But if you know me in real life, I’m sure you’ve heard me say the statement, “Once I found Human Design, I felt more validated for being who I am than ever before.”

What is Human Design? Oof, how long do you have? I’m not going to try to get into it here, but definitely look it up if you have an interest in anything like astrology, enneagram, personality tests, etc. If you like learning why you are the way you are, then you’ll love Human Design. But if you’re like me, it will take a couple toe dips before the big plunge into really learning about what it means for yourself.

But that is one of the courses I have signed up for…finally! I want to become a Human Design Reader, sort of like an astrology reader. I want to be able to look at someone’s chart and help them make sense of it and how it can be applied to their life.

I just had my first official reading with an incredible human. Mia went through the Human Design school I signed up for but I saw that she also gives astrology readings. This felt serendipitous as one of the other courses I signed up for was an Astrocartography Reader course which studies how our birth chart affects how we experience life in various locations around the world.

I’ve always had an interest in astrology but whenever I thought of starting to dig into it, I got overwhelmed by all the layers. But last year, it came up for me again in the form of astrocartography as I love to travel and have definitely felt connected to places or felt ill at ease in other places. I’ve also noticed that my motivation to do certain things changes with my location which is explained by astrocartography.

I have just scratched the surface with astrology and astrocartography but am loving the course and find it all so fascinating.

When I am super insterested in a topic and feel connected to it, I love to dive deep and get the highest level of knowledge available to me. Hence why I have a degree in Psychology with a minor in Sociology, Cultural Anthropology and Philosophy, I am a certified yoga instructor, have a fashion degree, art degree, am becoming trained to be a Human Design Reader as well as an Astrocartography Reader. And I know this will keep going as my interests keep going.

I love to learn. I love to dive deep. I love to experiment and add to my knowledge and experiences. And I love to share it all.

In my call with Mia today, I talked about how I don’t enjoy social media but she reminded me that I can just write about my experiences.

That brings me to the last course I’m currently working on which is a writing course. I am currently taking an amazing course by a New York Times Best Selling Author that I absolutely love. I won’t put her name here as she is letting me take the course outside of it’s usually offered time which I am extremely grateful for. I am learning SO much!

It has taken me a long time to realize how much I do enjoy writing. But, I want to try to keep this blog more active and alive with my life and what I cram into it. I also am currently working on a manuscript for a novel! I have no idea if it will be any good, but I’m having fun writing it and that’s what matters to me. :)

What are some topics you love to dive deep into? I’d love hear and maybe find my next obsession! Lol


Triggered by “God”


The Journey is the Destination: My exploration of being present